Barbervax Features
Environmentally friendly
No chemicals. Suppresses worm egg production, cleans up your pasture.
Long-term solution.
No vaccine resistance
Less drenching needed
Onset of drench resistance is delayed.
Easy to use
One product type, same dose per shot for all sheep.
No withholding period
or export slaughter interval.
Barbervax is available in the following countries:
Australia: Barbervax can be purchased from several stores in Northern New South Wales and Southern Queensland, where Barbers Pole worm is particularly problematic, but it can be shipped nationwide. Visit our “Buy” section for a list of stockists.
UK: Barbervax is currently available in the UK under Veterinary prescription arrangements from Merlin Vets Export Ltd
South Africa: Barber’s Pole worm is known as Wireworm in South Africa, and as such Barbervax is marketed as Wirevax by Afrivet.

Buy Barbervax
Visit our ‘Buy page’ to order Barbervax.